2003-06-11 7:31 a.m.

TheCat Kills With Kindness

It's a given that TheCat will try to make my life hell when I get home from a trip. The suspense lies in how she will go about it.

This time she's killing us with kindness. No whining, not much aggro, just constant, chatty meowing while she follows us around. And she's always following us around -- either she's sitting under a table or chair and supplying a constant stream of chatter, or she's right next to us demanding attention. (She's given up on me for the moment and is sitting next to TheBoy's head chattering away while he tries and fails to sleep. "She won't leave me alone!" he wailed.)

She's also reverted to one of her more annoying kittenhood habits. Whenever one of us heads for the bathroom, she insists on following us in. It wouldn't be that bad, except for two things: 1) she does this to guests, which can be really awkward to explain and 2) she also amps up her drama-queen tendencies and does anything else she can think of to draw the attention of otherwise-occupied people. Her usual MO is to sit, chatting and staring right at you with big saucer eyes, which can be really unnerving. Yesterday she scooted next to me, rose up like a breaching whale and flopped inelegantly on her back. When she realized she'd missed my feet by about 6 inches, she stood up, positioned herself closer and did it again.

At some point she's got to get tired of this. Right?

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