2002-10-30 4:47 PM

Some More Burning Questions

Dear Bay Area Real Estate Brokers:

When selling a house in Vacaville, do not advertise it with the phrase "Location, Location, Location!" unless it's preceded by "Bad, Bad, Bad!"


Dear Person Standing In Front Of Me At Tully's This Morning:

I appreciate your need to be a fully-informed coffee pot purchaser. However, there is a time and place for grilling the barista on your desired coffee-appliance features, and 9:30 AM on a weekday is not one of those times.

Next time, please take into consideration whether those around you may be in critical need of caffeine. After 2 in the afternoon would be ideal. Those of us who depend on coffee to be civil in the mornings thank you in advance.


Dear Immune System:

I've been supplying you with vitamins, fluids, drugs and even a week of bed rest. A month is more than enough time for you to shake that wretched flu. Please step it up. I'm tired of wheezing like a Victorian orphan and people are starting to bring me pity tea.


Dear National Organization for Women and Ms. Magazine:

You've been plugging the Holy Trinity of Kids, Career and College for nigh unto 30 years now. You tell us that if we take a pass on the career or the college degree we're selling ourselves short. You tell us that if we take a pass on the kids, we'll be bitter and lonely when we're older, if we're not there already. This naturally raises two questions, one of which might have occured to you and one of which is completely off your radar:

  1. There are only 24 hours in a day. Please explain your math. Show your work.

  2. Once you've alienated the stay-at home moms, the dedicated non-moms, the working class women and the moms who are not primary caretakers of their children, you've lost a rather large chunk of potential third-wave feminists. Do you think this is a good idea? If so, why?


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