2002-07-20 4:56 p.m.

Sartorial Horror Show

Auuuuuuughh! My eyes! My EYES!

Seeing these uniforms in action gave me a new respect for my parents' decision to try and raise their children as Giants fans, despite the fact that the A's spent my early childhood years kicking ass and taking names. Protecting their children from the pernicious sartorial influences of Charlie O. Finley was really the only choice for a concerned parent of the '70s.

Contrast this with the relative good taste of the 1971 Giants and and even the most diehard A's fan can understand why, given a choice, my parents made the choice they did. And imagine the heartbreak of parents who had to raise their children in the 1970s in single-team markets such as Houston and San Diego. They must have lain awake at night, thinking, "My son wants to pitch just like Nolan Ryan -- but will he want to dress like him, too?"

And yes, if you click on the links above, you can actually buy merchandise that inflicts the horror on a new generation. Won't MLB please think of the children?

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