2002-09-13 3:10 PM

Wracked With Guilt, I Spill to the Press

A reporter asked that the following be posted to a women's e-mail list I'm on. It manages to contain just about everything that I find annoying and off-base about most discussions of "women's issues" I've heard lately:

I am the workplace reporter at [one of the local rags], seeking help on a story that I hope to write soon. The topic: are today's moms choosing home over career? And if so, why? Are today's career women disillusioned with corporate America, climbing the corporate ladder? Has Sept. 11 changed the way women view work and family? Is it a backlash against the Baby Boom generation "I can have it all attitude?'' or simply a way for women to cope with a lack of quality, affordable childcare? Of course, I may be missing the point altogether. Perhaps there are other, more pressing issues that I should be paying attention to with regard to women and the workplace. If that's the case, I'd like to know that, too.

There are so many assumptions here that I have issues with that I don't even know where to start:

The reporter went on to ask if women were interested in gathering for a "frank discussion" of these issues, which she'd then mine for material for her article. Mmm, think I'll take a pass on that. I have no interest whatsoever in being Real Worlded into the Bad Child-Hating Career Woman and pitted against the Doe-Eyed Stay-At-Home Mommy, the Plucky, Struggling Single Mother and whatever other tired old archetypes this reporter feels like trotting out.

God, being cranky is tiring. I'm gonna go take a nap.

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