2004-02-03 12:23 PM

How My Doorbell Got Its Dong Back

When I first moved into my house, I noticed that the doorbell was working poorly enough to be annoying but not quite poorly enough enough to justify replacing it, especially with the thousand other niggling little repairs that are higher priority. The problem with the doorbell? It would only ring halfway. In other words, it would ding, but not dong. Naturally, this causes my inner 12-year old to chortle like a demon and come up with all kinds of vaguely suggestive things to say about my doorbell, most of them variations on how my doorbell has lost its dong.

Last night TheBoy and I were too lazy to cook and too unmotivated to leave the house (what with that harsh winter weather we're having), so we ordered pizza. And, miracle of miracles, when the pizza guy came and rang the doorbell, the doorbell dinged and donged. It did both! One after the other! I was so excited I threw open the door and declared, "You fixed my doorbell!" The pizza guy looked a little frightened, handed over the food and the credit slip and got out of there with as little conversation as possible.

But who cares if I frighten people! My doorbell has its dong back!

Now for the other 999 things on that repair list...

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