2002-10-11 3:56 p.m.

My Cat Joins A Cult

That Thing That's Going Around has caught up with me. Dammit.

Yesterday I just felt weak. Today's all about the sinuses filled with lead buckshot. Every time I move, my head threatens to roll off. But being home two days in a row has provided me a glimpse into the twisted little world of my cat's head, and I'm not sure what to think of what I've seen.

The cat has graciously ceded some of her territory on the bed for Disease Central. All of life's little necessities are close at hand -- the Kleenex, the Nyquil, the big honkin' bottle of water, a few snacks for when I can work up an appetite, and, of course, a laptop hooked up to DSL via a 14-foot Ethernet cable run into the living room.

So yesterday I decamped from Sick-Ass HQ to answer nature's call, as one is wont to do when one's been guzzling all day from a big honkin' water bottle, and I came back to this:

She was parked directly in front of the laptop, motionless, completely mesmerized by the screen. It's as if she'd just made contact with the mother ship and was awaiting further instructions. I half expected her to start chanting.

Was she talking to the mothership? Is the addictive power of Civ III strong enough to suck in cats? Or was she telepathically e-mailing out for some catnip? Put your caption suggestions in the guestbook.


There's a poll for "favorite contestant" at the Diaryland Survivor site. My one loyal reader has done his part, but how about the rest of you?

Think of it this way: Diaryland Survivor takes place on an island, kind of like Molokai. Don't you think sick people should stay on the island?

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